Twitter まとめ

  • 『2012年04月08日のつぶやき』Kirimisakana| #
  • そういえば、Bols(男性的な外見の女子)という表現を、どこかで目にしたような。LGBT系のサイトだったので、外見必ずしも性指向と一致せずの例だったかも。 #
  • あら、懐かしいネタクイズが。元の出題画像はライブドアブログ。 #
  • 昼食は簡単にお蕎麦をいただいて(*゚∀゚)=3 常態。ゆでるとき、金属製のプリンカップに卵を割りいれて一緒に温泉卵にしておいたので、月見風お蕎麦。小ネギと、ゆでた小豆萌やしで掛けそばにしていただきます。……食べすぎました気がします。 #
  • 先のクイズ画像、幼児でも解けるというより、「算数を習う前の幼児の発想」で解くとよろしいかと。では、ごきげんよう! #
  • 初音ミクをファッションモデルに 人気ブランドの新たな挑戦 #asciijp @asciijpeditorsさんから まずpixivを観て絵師チェックしたとのこと。ピアプロとの棲み分けを感じる今日この頃。 #
  • Check out Japanese Attitudes Toward MMD Models by ~damesukekun on @deviantART #Vocaloid #
  • ただいまのシュウカツ状況:診療所NHTFOgTs お断りされました。病院:O書類落、O面接オチ。 組織O面接落ち 結構な数の「今後のご活躍」を祈られていますね。でも頑張る。それ以外にできることは無い。 #
  • Fall in love with you (Extended Mix) via @AddThis #
  • This lyrics came from my friend's music "Fall in love with you ( Extended Mix )". He, SOSOSO made this in the 80s J-POP mood. #
  • Prerequisites 1. I love this music. 2. I'm not professional translator. That means no money and no guarantee. #
  • 3.The original lyrics are on the "PIAPRO beta" website. Under the license of "do not modify this". #
  • The "no modification" license includes "translate to other language" too. How could I do ? #
  • The answer of this question is simple. I send a proposal for translation. "What is the title of music" and … #
  • …"Where I will share, send message and use. It may be non-commercial but get some money as a donation." Honesty makes things easier. #
  • The proposal was full of love. Needless to say? I agree. Though, there are pretty number of "Google translator" youngsters in VOCALOID genre #
  • Then, I got the approval of translation from VOCALOID P. I used a OXFORED learner's dictionary and online tools. #
  • Google translator's toolkit and Weblio online dictionaries. These are two top online tool for me. #
  • Think about the lyrics. It was inspired of 80's J-POP. Many listener reminded "Lonely tropical fish" from this. The famous song of "wink". #
  • Its synthesizer-sound is typical. The "snap shot" like lyrics is too. Phrases don't have story. #
  • To take an example, Janis Ian's "Will you dance?" is near. There are some homophonic word's game. #
  • Let's see the ro-ma ji version below ( ). The phrase "soba ni ite" and "Chikaku ni kannji te" has similar sound. #
  • This kind of homonym game is common in Japanese POP song. There is one more words' game. I call it the "significant words". #
  • "Rendezvous", " destiny", "Time Machine" or "fantasy", those sounds some meaning. The lyricist don't want you think about epic or sci-fi. #
  • If you searched J-POP lyrics, you feel that significant words are used as a flavour. Why can the word be flavour on J-POP? #
  • I hate to admit it, but that is our failure of learning English. #
  • Describing the complexed feeling about English is very hard. In short words, The grass is always greener on the side of the fence.” #

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